Business Pledge

Take the Pledge

We believe in creating a climate for business in Texas that promotes innovation and industry, not fear. Texas should be free of divisive laws that promote racial profiling and drive away investment, commerce, and tourism. SB4, passed by the Texas Legislature in 2017, weakens the diversity, dynamism, opportunity and prosperity of Texas.

Our organization believes that Texas Works best
when Texas Works Together.

To ensure that Texas remains a state open for business and with opportunity for all, we pledge:

  1. To continue to be a place that is welcoming and inclusive for all our customers, patrons, members, and employees. Therefore, we will display the Texas Together window decal.
  2. To stand in coalition with other organizations united in Texas Together, supporting
    the repeal of SB4 and calling on state leaders to undo this divisive bill that
    promotes fear in communities of color across Texas.

    Texas Together has permission to use your company’s logo on its website, social media, and print materials.I confirm that I am authorized to sign this pledge on behalf of my company or entity.